Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Research Project - Catalogue

Stanley Kubrick - How does Kubrick's use of distinct visual style, regarding composition, lead him to being classed as an auteur?


Item 1  - "The Shining" (1980)
This film is useful for my focus film as each scene is well composed regarding balance and the rule of thirds. The constant use of balance and symmetry reinforces the fact that Kubrick's experience with composition in the past, results in himself becoming an auteur. Kubrick was given free reign to change aspects of the book by Stephen King, which meant he could use his own style and create the film with his desired visuals.
Item 2 - "Full Metal Jacket" (1987)
This film will be useful to strengthen my point as Kubrick's use of establishing shots and long shots allow him to use compositional techniques to a successful level. The shots show Kubrick's visual style at its finest through balance and symmetry, whilst also using his unique one point perspective.
Item 3 - "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968)
I believe that this film holds many sequences in which balance, leading lines and other compositional techniques have been used, which helps me to reinforce my point about his distinct style making him an auteur.


Item 4 - "Film Studies" written by Andrew Butler 
This book is useful as it provides me with the information to back up my point that Kubrick is automatically classed as an auteur due to his unique visual style.  The fact that it is published means that the book is very reliable and will provide me with truthful information to support my answer to the question.
Item 5 - "Stanley Kubrick; The Complete Films" written by Paul Duncan
I am going to use this book as a resource for my answer as it backs up the fact that he takes composition to a very serious level, leading to a distinct style. The book also provides information of his influences for his type of shots and how Kubrick has used his past work to create his most well known films.
Item 6 - "Stanley Kubrick; Revised and Updated" written by Paul Duncan
This book will be useful for referral when creating my response to the above question as it contains information to the key themes and visuals that Kubrick has used in his films however also provides a short biography about his time as a documentary photographer in New York. The fact that it is a published book, indicates that the book will be reliable as a reference.
Item 7 - "Art by Film Directors" written by Mitchell Beazley
This book shows me the life of Kubrick and how his young life was highly influenced by photography and how his candid shots led to him creating his meticulously composed shots. This book is reliable and will help me back up my answer with facts about his life including apprenticeships which led him to his directing career.
Item 8 - "Theories of Auteurship" edited by John Caughie
This book informs me of the reasoning behind auteurship and how a director can be classed as one. The fact that this is a published book means that this is a reliable source of inspiration that I can use when answering the above question. It refers to a director as an artist; I am looking at how Kubrick's art style of composition makes him an auteur.


Item 9 - Kubrick: Photos and Films by Candice Drouet -
This montage of photos and screenshots allow me to see that Kubrick has taken inspiration from his old photos from when he was a photographer. This reinforces the fact that he has used his knowledge of compositional techniques to create his films. This will guide me to using reliable sources and sequences to back up my answer.
Item 10 - "Vanishing Point: A Supercut of Stanley Kubrick's One-point Perspectives" -
This video of stills from Stanley Kubrick's most famous movies, in particular the ones that I am studying, exhibits his use of one point perspective to create his distinct compositions for example: leading lines and balance. This video will be useful and reliable when backing up my answer to the question.
Item 11 - IMDb - 2001: A Space Odyssey - Awards 
This is a reliable website that provides me with truthful information about the kind of awards that this film has won. The awards listed are relevant to the question that I am going to answer as it regards the art of the film and best director.


Item 12 - "Stanley Kubrick: Photos taken as a teenager" by Fiona MacDonald - BBC
This short article showcases Kubrick's experience with photography and how it has led him to create pristine, well composed scenes throughout his films. BBC is a reliable source for information about topics such as this.
Item 13 - "Motion picture: Expressive Elements of Motion Picture" - written by Dudley Andrew and Robert Sklar
This article provides me with enough information to back up my answer to my question as some examples are given for Kubrick's work and the fact that it contains information about motion picture design and auteur theory, which is the main aspect that Kubrick specialises in to make him an auteur. 
Item 14 - The Shining Review - Ian Nathan - Empire
This article is very helpful to my answer as it points out the long hours that Kubrick spent on plans and shoots to create his pristine visual style throughout his films, in particular, "The Shining". Empire is a well known film site that is providing me with useful points to use in my answer to strengthen my argument.
Item 15 - "Interiors: Stanley Kubrick" by Interiors Journal
This article provides me with enough information that will help me back up my answer when referring to composition within the three chosen films of study. This is a reliable source of information as "Interiors Journal" is a successful published journal.
Item 16 - "Filmmaker's Handbook: What is One-point Perspective?" - Screen Prism written by Jeff Saporito 
This article is going to be very helpful when writing my answer to the question as it contains details into the precision of Kubrick and his intense detail that goes into composition. It refers to Kubrick's style as 'Kubrickian'. It also highlights his main inspiration that influenced him to constantly use his one-point perspective; "The Last Supper" by Leonardo Da Vinci.


Item 17 - "Stanley Kubrick: The Cinematic Experience"
This documentary is very useful as it refers to the amount of hours he spent working on the visuals of his films and the composition. This video reinforces the fact that Kubrick is a perfectionist when it comes to the layout of the scenes and will help me strengthen my point in the answer I will give to the question. 


Item 18 - "The Rolling Stone Interview: Stanley Kubrick in 1987" - carried out by Tim Cahill
This item will be useful when answering my question as it states that Kubrick takes inspiration from photography. This will back up my point that he uses photographic composition when directing the scenes. Despite the fact that it is not his own photography, he is still influenced by layout in photographs. 

Rejected items

"Kubrick on The Shining" an interview with Michel Ciment
This interview is irrelevant to the question that i am trying to answer as there is no reference to the visual style that i am looking into that Kubrick uses. Without any reference to the cinematography that I am looking at, this interview cannot be used to strengthen my point.

"Get Lost" Michael Koresky on The Shining
This article does not contain any useful information regarding the compositional techniques that Kubrick uses within his films. The article only contains information about the plot and the original book by Stephen King, which is not what I need to research into.

"Stanley Kubrick" -
I don't believe that this website will be useful as there is no information about Kubrick's style or how he has been inspired to include such a distinct visual style within his films; this is what I would need in order to back up my answer to the question.

Film psychology: The Shining Spacial Awareness and Set Design -
This video will not be helpful when writing my answer to the above question as there is no reference to Kubrick's use of composition; the video mainly talks about the hotel and the locations in which  each room is, rather than how Kubrick has input on layout in the shots. Also the source is not as reliable as some of the others that I have listed as items.

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